
I wasn’t going to post about the start of a new year. Lately, it seems like my previous few posts are sparked by the urgency of a New Year’s celebration; a “word of the year” or a philosophy to focus myself. I’ve started two, possibly three pieces about this very topic, and all have veered off the road only to land gently in the no man’s land of forgotten writing.

Don’t worry; it’s a comfortable, albeit irrelevant place to be.

But, something that I noted to my husband in passing shortly before the clock struck midnight that evening has bubbled up today, so I figured I’d share it. Why not?

Actually, that encompasses the thing: why not. (Statement or question, it goes both ways.)

I said that I’d like to give “trying” a go. Trying harder to follow through with goals I set last year. Trying out new types of creativity to see what sticks. Trying, all while finding a pared down, simplified life that works best for us.

So, while we’re both focusing a lot on purging, simplifying, and specifically bringing some of the old into our rather 21st century lives (in my case, in hopes of applying those principles to causes I find near and dear like environmentalism and minimalism), I’m “trying” to prioritize myself, as well.

Exercising more. Slowing down more. Searching for what fills my bucket more. 

In Fall, I joined Exhale, a place for creative moms to get (back) in touch with their own creativity and connect with like-minded women. I have virtually met several amazing mothers with varied backgrounds and enjoy bouncing ideas and accountability back and forth. But, as I often do, my mind wanders and I continue to look for ways to apply my creativity.

So, be on the lookout, if you’re interested, for some different means of showing myself, my family, our life. Shorter bursts of writing. Different subjects. Even blog hop-induced photo journals.

There are other areas that I’m considering some “trying” beyond the blog, as well. Perhaps knitting or sewing, painting or sketching, or even finally learning how to use my DSLR camera. But since I’m leaning into the fact that I, by nature, meander and follow my fickle passions, I’m not putting anything in a definitive manner.

And if you’re a creative – parent or otherwise – what’s your favorite outlet? Do you relish in showcasing your talents and interests, or keep them for yourself? I’d love to chat and hear more in the comments.