Fall 2013 To-Do

I’m not sure why, but every time autumn rolls around, I find myself turning an eye to house projects, inside and out. Maybe because I know that the impending snow means that I’ll be hunkering down (and will prefer snuggling up with all the boys in the house vs. fixing it up). Maybe because I get sluggish with the heat during the summer. Eh, whatever the reason, I’m hoping we get a couple of rain-free days at some point to put my energy into a few (or thousand) things I’ve been neglecting.

Mind you, I truly love our house. Sure, there are annoyances (hey, just like a relationship! Whaddya know??), but the more that I see what’s out there, the more I appreciate certain aspects of ours. So, this “to-do” list doesn’t take into account all the work we have whittled away at over the 4+ years of living here. I also don’t foresee getting it all done during the fall, but it’s good to do a seasonal analysis of where you are and where you’d like to go. The *asterisked* stuff is the most dire. Update: Oh, and some of the outdoor pictures show that we already got a couple of projects out of the way. Hence why those flowers are strewn on the front lawn and you see the bottles of cleaning stuff. 😉 Oh, and a couple of “before-and-afters.”


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After! And wet.

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Ha ha, proof! A pile o’ bricks. I found a use for a few of them but never found enough projects to recycle them. So, to the street they go. (A few have been picked up, but I think my father-in-law will take the rest. Score!)

I totally neglected the deck (we didn’t use it this year except for occasional grilling, which we brought inside; maybe if I’d gotten a heavy duty gate for the baby to hang out there…) and our front porch (which has some issues all its own; possible repair of bowing wood pieces? The whole thing was slapped together by a previous owner). Heck, I planted some planters with veggie and herb seeds that really did…um…like…nothing. SO, it’s time to dump the dirt and FOR ONCE clean the garden tools properly. What a fun but necessary task, eh, kids?

Once I’ve picked up and stored the stuff off of both the porch and deck, I’d like to spray them down with a non-toxic cleaner I bought awhile back. (Done!)

Garden-wise, Dave already pulled the veggie gardens (my hero!) and we, together, pulled the man-eating tomato plants, so I’m ready to plant some mums. I also hope to divide this hosta which triples in size every year — making the house look lopsided in the process. We’ve also gotta do some digging in the front-most part of our lawn to even it out and amend the dirt, which has taken to growing phallic-looking mushrooms (which I’m pretty sure are inedible; not testing that for SO many reasons).

We’ve got some weeds floating around, and our monster of a driveway (uneven, in desperate need of a complete and utter facelift) is growing some moss. Y’know. Just for fun. So, I’d like to attack it with a stiff bristle brush and whatever safe, eco DIY method will help get rid of the stuff. While we’re at it, a day of attacking the garage’s INSANE mess would benefit us all!

If we happen to get a run of nice days (I’m pretty sure I’ve already blown it, but we were quite busy during our recent stretch of gorgeous weather), I’d like to attack the porch, deck, basement windows, and at least the front of the garage with a fresh coat of paint. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

And, while we’re at it, I’ve finally decided simply to do away with the old bricks we’ve got floating around that I can’t find any truly acceptable means to use. So, they’ll go to the curb with a “free” sign (and probably post it on Craigslist). Free bricks, folks! Some are even broken! Don’t speed rushing over to pick them up, I know they sound like a dream come true.

Inside – Downstairs

Living Room

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The biggest thing in this room is the fact that Hadley plays with…eh…maybe 1/6 of his toys, if that. So, it’s time for another toy switcheroo (yaaaaayyyy!!!). I’m sure we’ll have to have a toy purge come Christmas, but the cool thing about switching them out is that it’s like buying all new toys every few months. The kid doesn’t know the difference. Oh, and this probably goes for his room, too.

I’d also like to finally finish up my fall decorating in here, but some of that can actually overlap into Christmas. Yet another reason not to do red and green every year. 😉

Dining Room

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This could easily be a winter project, but I NEED to paint these walls. I’m by FAR officially over the crimsony cranberry-ish red. It sucks the room into itself…seriously. The trim also needs a fresh coat of white. I’m also “over” the chandy, but Dave and I put it in together and it’s not worth trying to change right now.


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While I’m at it with the white trim in the dining room, I still need to finish half of the trim here. The previous owners used a flat paint, which isn’t really helpful with all the dirt and grease that tends to build up in a kitchen. We’ve also gotta clean and re-organize the shelves, and the open shelving needs a bit of a shift (we’ve got a little bowing goin’ on from the weight). Otherwise, this is easily one of my favorite places in the joint, cluttery goodness and all.

Front Room

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See the front room through the living room?

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It’s not a huge deal, but we’ve got some organizing to do out here (I need to find a permanent spot for the sewing machine and all its accoutrements, among other things), not to mention needing some better privacy curtains or blinds.


Dude. I haven’t switched the coats to summer yet…meaning, I don’t think I need to switch anything back. I do, however, need to purge tons of coats (and we luckily have numerous charities in the area that take them for families that can’t afford cold weather jackets) between this closet and a tote or two in the basement, so there’s some organizing in our future. (I’ll show you “before” pics when I get around to that project.)


Ditto. 😉 We’ve done a good job of getting rid of any and all of our boxes and bags full of possible garage sale stuff (we didn’t have our annual one this summer) thanks to Goodwill, but there’s still a ton of our own storage containers that need to be sifted through, reorganized, and then filed away using better basement-organizing methods. Yet another good ol’ time in the old “dorky family” household.

Inside – Upstairs


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We’re coming down to the home stretch here, with things like hanging a toilet paper holder and towel hooks (as you can tell by the towel hanging over the tub), putting up open shelves, and accessorizing yet to do (including taking everything out of the open built-ins, of course). We still have to figure out what to do with the damaged, icky surround in the tub, but for now we’re happy with the changes we’ve made.

Hadley’s Room (Nursery?! Is it still a nursery if he’s a toddler? Gulp. Please say ‘yes’!)

It’s not always clean and perfect, but it’s Hadley through-and-through…so, needless to say, it’s wonderful just as it is, just like the little man, himself.


Yes, yes, more organization. We’re starting to see a trend, I know. HOWEVER, if I could tear up the carpet and clean the floors, and throw on a new coat of paint (the current was an okay first choice, but I now think pink whenever I see it; I’d like a greiger color), I’d SO do it. Tough with all the crap and kitties to contend with. (Oops, forgot to take a pic. You’ve seen it in other posts (search “office” at the top of the blog if ya want), but I’m sure I’ll include some when we tackle this.)

Our Room (Laughable calling it a “Master Room” without a “master bath” or grandiose…anything)

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Just for fun, I’m hoping to paint our side tables, and finally figure out some art (and maybe an extra light for my side of the bed). Otherwise, if the bed is made, I’m ahead for the day, so let’s not push it. Mmmmm’kay?

– Empty/clean planters and gardening tools*
Store outdoor furniture and cover grill* (For the most part! Have a chair hanging out on the front porch…not sure why. I like it. Does that work?)
Spray/clean deck, porch and house* (Did it this weekend!)
– Drain and store garden hose*
Plant mums and divide/transfer hosta*
– Dig front lawn to even (and get rid of penile mushrooms…seriously, weird-lookin’ things)
Bricks. Bricks. More bricks. (Come ‘n get ’em! They’re at the curb. Freebie time!)
– Paint deck & porch
– Scrape and paint the garage
– Take down the weird wooden thing hanging out near the garage (previous owners had a swing, we’re guessing)*
– Clean, organize and donate unwanted stuff from the garage* (started it this weekend)

Living Room:

– The Great Toy Switch*
– Fall decorating* (What? Decorating is pretty dire…isn’t it?)

Dining Room:
– Paint walls (greige) and trim (white)

– Paint cabinets and rest of trim (white)
– Clean open shelving/reorganize*
– Reorganize cabinets/storage*

Front Room:
– Buy and put up blinds or curtains*

– Go through coats (and those in the basement) & reorganize*

– Organize, organize, organize!*

– Finish hanging “stuff”*
– Accessorize*
– Figure out the tub surround (ugh)

Hadley’s Room:
– “Practically Perfect in Every Way” (no, not really, but it’s fine)

– Organize* (constant battle, I tell ya)
– Paint walls
– Rip up carpet/clean floor

Our Room:
– Paint side tables
– Figure out art!!!

What about you guys? Any big projects you need to work on this fall (or that you’re building up to)?

Autumn Decor – A Modern Mismatch

So, my attention had been diverted from any and all thoughts of autumn decor with our little guy’s health scare. Things are getting back to usual around here, though, and it’s nice to have a little mental break, so I’ve decided I need to join a party — a link party!

Today’s post is the mantel zshuzshing theme. Since I’ve only got a fake mantel (actually a relatively small shelf), I did some accessorizing there, as well as on the nearby “awkward places” that separate our living room and dining room. Uuuummm, yeah. The pictures help explain that a lil’ bit.

Since I haven’t been able to hit up the craft stores with going-on two weeks of family illness creating homebodies out of all of us, (and our grocery store only carried cruddy orange pumpkins…some already painted! What’s the fun in that??), I didn’t have the items I wish I had to accessorize. I know. Excuses, excuses.

So, instead I decided to work with what we have BUT to keep it simple…for once. 😉 Given that I DID have Clementines on hand (Vitamin C!!!), I did end up with a punch of color.

I did realize that I mixed some metals, in faux mercury glass hurricane vases and some brassy accessories, and I’m surprised that I actually like the effect. I still don’t feel comfortable wearing my white gold ring with my brassy necklaces, but I’m getting over it. Am I the only one??

The “mantel” itself has a mix of textures: the shiny brass on the school bell, shimmering glass of the mini-hurricane and clock, earthiness of old wine corks and wood tones, softness of my gloves (I have another antique pair of leather ones that I’m considering switching out)…and it’s all grounded by the vintage books.

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As far as the “awkward spaces”, I kept it vintage yet clean and unfussy. So, in a weird way, it comes off as modern. Scary. It’s like I planned it or something. Don’t believe it!

The left side has a project that I completed a few years ago — an old skeleton key glued to some nice textured fabric in a frame, easy peasy — as well as a simple vignette of a stack of old mags, an old mustard yellow book, a hurricane vase…and a couple of oranges to finish it off. Simple but nice.

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The right side has some layering from one of my textured scarves (use whatchya got!), a vintage cake stand, another hurricane vase (to balance both sides from afar), a brassy cup filled with oranges (probably a candle holder), my spiky white urchin, and a tiny antique print. Again, a mix of old and new that somehow comes across as modern. Well, whadya know about that?

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I’m sure I’ll add something here or there when I finally get out to grab the crafty items I was hoping to grab (and as I work on the other projects; rotations happen, people. That’s autumny, right? Substitutions? Football?). So, there we have it! What’re you doing to fall-ify your place?
Linking up at Thrifty Decor Chick (love her!).

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Bathroom Update #4

Ha ha!!! It’s been many, many months since our last bathroom check-in.

Okay, that sounds weird. Of course we’ve been using the bathroom all summer. Silly me. Let’s try that again.

It’s been awhile since I last checked in with our bathroom re-do progress. 🙂 Better.

Don’t be thinking I’ve been sitting eating bon-bons and watching Real Housewife re-runs…’cuz I don’t eat bon-bons and I’m not a Real Housewife fan. (Not to mention, we don’t have cable, so there’s that.) “Who Do You Think You Are?” online, however…

Back on track. I’ve been working little by little on putting down our laminate tile squares; up to the toilet, at least. Everything was on hold until I painted the quarter round (primer and three coats of semi-gloss white). I had been on a roll for awhile, laying flooring during nap times, painting a coat or two during nap times…until I wasn’t on a roll. It’s so easy to get one’s momentum halted, isn’t it?

So, this week, I finally finished the last coat, and with my stepdad’s help with toilet moving/reinstalling and cutting trim down, the last of the big ol’ projects was done. Finished. Complete.

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I’m not 100% done. (Of course.) Here’s what we have left:

– Hang floating shelves
– Hang towel hooks
– Hang art
– Clean and fill built-ins
– Wash and change out shower curtain
– Accessorize!

See? The kinda fun stuff. Sure, a couple of those things are “need a hand from the ol’ mister” jobs, so God knows how we’ll do a noisy shelf installation with the baby sleeping in the nearby nursery, but we’ll figure it out. Seeing the light so close to the end of the tunnel, I’m hoping we’ll get to finish soon. Woohoo! The end of the race is coming.

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Watch out, you naked wall-over-the-toilet! You’re about to get shelved. And yer gonna like it!

Oh, and if you’re interested in the process so far (and the “before” picture…ick), check here, here, and here. And here‘s a look at the art I’ll be using.

Grandma’s Gold

I’ve been converted. Not in that way. (I’m sure we’re a lost cause. Ha! Kidding.) I’m talking metallics.

See, I’ve always been a silver-toned girl. What little jewelry I own is silver. My wedding band and ring are white gold. And I still love silver in its own classy way.

However, with the resurgence of gold in decor and fashion, I’ve found myself wearing some antiqued, brassy gold necklaces (with awesome bright color accents)…brass studs on my favorite sandals…and swooning over blogs featuring furniture “dipped” in gold. See? I’m a convert.

So, when we were divying up the contents of my grandfather and deceased grandmother‘s house last fall, I was ecstatic to receive their hand-me-down floor lamp. We had been using a wedding gift lamp from Target which we love…

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…but with a toddler and an uneven carpeted floor, it wasn’t practical. We’re keeping it for a future house and more grown-up kids, but when this lamp came along, I fell in love.

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She’s not perfect, but she’s twice my age, so what can I expect?

Besides, to think about all she’s seen in the Cunningham house over the years brings so much joy in my heart. It wasn’t put into storage or sold off or donated to someone who didn’t have an underlying appreciation for its history; it would’ve been just one more piece of junk that would get thrown to the curb when a better “new” model came along.

There’s a tiny amount of bittersweetness to the lamp, considering that Grandma was home 85% of the time. Grandpa’s money might have paid for the lamp, but it was hers. It lit her letter-writing, her smoke-filled card games, her lengthy gossipy phone calls. The birthday parties, the Fourth of July’s, the Father’s Days — all the special times, and the not-so-special times, that our family matriarch orchestrated.

But, as with most things in life, it’s easy to take a little sourness when the rest is so sweet. The fact that it’s in line with the direction of current trends makes it even sweeter.

Pinterest in the Dining Room

I’ve been feeling a tad “blah” the past few days, so how’s about indulging me in a little Pinspiration, m’kay? Thanks. I knew you’d understand.

Let me introduce you to Red Riding Hood. Er. Red Dining Room. Our dining room is a small-ish box of a space. We inherited the red walls. Wait, okay, actually we inherited purple-red walls. To see if we could live with them (in a slightly less Barney fashion), we purchased some crimson paint several years back and slapped it up there. It toned down the purple, but the red’s still there in all of its BAM, POW, SMACK glory.

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That iPhone picture makes it look more purple, but it is actually burgundy red. The table set was something we purchased a year and a half ago (and put together last July 4th when we were trying to get the baby to make his arrival). We like it very much, along with the awesome vintage sidebar under the window (which we purchased on our honeymoon; how’s that for a story?) and the ladder-style bookshelf to the right. Can’t even see it, huh?

There’s also a set of windows to the right of this shot, and some large art in a rustic frame to the left. It’s a darn near impossible room to take pictures of thanks to a) its size and b) the weird built-ins (see the white on the left and right of the shot?) which go halfway up the wall and create a doorway into the room.

I know the first step will be to finally paint the walls a color that wasn’t all the rage in 1995. Not that there’s anything wrong with 1995. Okay, there was; colors, patterns, and some fashions were questionable. So, yeah, I’ve been considering greiges (beige + gray = the awesomest neutral at the moment). At the same time, it’s the first time in recollection that Dave disagrees. He likes the red, and encourages friends and family to agree when they visit. Ha. Not gonna work, buddy. There’s no way I’m going to ever sell this house with a red dining room, and if I’m going to paint it for some future owner to enjoy, why can’t I enjoy it while I’m here? Good reasoning, I think.

While we’re at it, the trim needs a coat or two of the bright semi-gloss white the rest of the house has. Why people paint their trim a dirty shade of cream, I’ll never know. I know I’ll be relieved when that procrastinated project is finished. I may be even more relieved when the rug is gone. It was a cheap, on-sale find, but just isn’t our style anymore…if it ever was.

So, while keeping the aforementioned warm, medium-dark furniture (and books and art, at least to see if they work), we will then have a clean slate of greige + white trim. Here are some finds that inspire me enough to want to pick up a paintbrush (whether they’d work in our dining room or not):

My faves? The drum pendant lighting (we actually put in the chandy we currently have, but it’s a tad too traditional; although I have a feeling it would help sell the house down the line better than a drum…we live in a traditional area) and the geometric curtains rock my socks off. I like our current cheap-o white curtains, but the room is asking for a little suntin’ suntin’.

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There are parts of this room that I’m not in love with, but for the most part it suits a small space wonderfully. The upholstered chairs flanking each end are pretty darn rad, and a mirror helps broaden the space (I need me some of that), plus the lighting fixture is purdy. Downright purdy. 

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Okay, so this isn’t an entire dining room, but it gives me an idea. Check out the gold…and do you see the accent color? Yep, reddy pinky PURPLE. Like the purple monstrosity we began with! Anyone else think it would be a sweet homage — like saying “Let’s still be friends” and actually staying friends? — to the ugliness we started this project with to throw in a few accents of this pretty-in-its-own-way color? I guess I don’t mind it as a hit here and there, but to engulf the walls or rug…ick.

(Oh, and there’s some “Keep Calm and Carry On” art on the wall. Love that.)

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Speaking of rugs…while I’d like to get one a tad more modern (since we’ll be using it in any future dwellings, too), this style would work for a few reasons. a) It’s just modern enough without going crazy, making it a good transitional piece that wouldn’t stick out in our 1925 home, b) the cats SHOULD leave it alone…should, and c) the deep tone (with walls exactly that color) grounds the room superbly. Side note: I SO want to DIY that fixture. I’m also flip-flopping — orchidy purple-ish or fun mustard yellow? Drats.

So, there are just a few ideas for our lovely little dining room. That Pinspiration almost makes me want to pick up some paint…almost. I foresee it being my just-around-Christmas project. (In the past, we tend to take on vast painting projects…you got it…just around that busy time of the year. We so crazy.)


We’ve had a couple little…okay, not so little upgrades happening at the ol’ homestead lately. Without further ado, here’s my old kitchen sink.

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Fun, right? Just a cruddy old not-horrible-but-not-pretty sink. As a pre-baby/birthday present last year, my mom purchased and painted (and painted and painted and painted) the new base cabinet, so this year she and my stepdad insisted on getting a new sink to accompany it. Wasn’t that sweet?

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Free strainer? Don’t mind if I do.

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That last picture there (don’t worry; I strategically cropped) is the main reason we went with a nice, deep one versus the 6 incher we had before. #that’swhatshesaid Good, ol’-fashioned sink baths! Of course, he’s been getting bothersome during them lately, so I foresee a jump to big-boy-baths soon *tear wipe* but it’s just as good for shoving lots of dishes and pots and pans into. It’s all good.

Oh, and yes, we have a dishwasher. Two, actually. They’re called Meg and Dave. 😉

They also gave us some cash to go towards our new washer/dryer. I think that was mostly to calm Mom’s worrying mind (okay, and mine, too); the dryer took FOREVER to dry and got extremely hot, and the washer was starting to leave black (grease?) marks on clothes. Oh, and it also had gotten into the nasty habit of…y’know…STOPPING. Mid-cycle. Full of dirty, soapy water and our awesome, awesome clothes. (Our clothes aren’t awesome. I just felt like they were when I saw them sitting in the untouchable washer. And, okay, Hadley’s clothes are pretty darn awesome on their own.)

We originally wanted to include all appliances with our house when we leave one day (they were all hand-me-downs; we were very lucky), but since we’re not seeing that in our future anytime soon, we had to take the plunge…so to speak.

I don’t have a “before” shot of the washer and dryer that went to live with all the other well-used washers and dryers in the sky. They were both Hotpoint…which makes me wonder how they’d lasted as long as they had, anyway. Hotpoint?! I dunno. Maybe the brand’s okay, but it makes me think of a toaster or cooking implement; not a device for cleaning and drying highly-flammable stuff like clothes. Can’t wrap my head around it.

So, anyhoo, this is what we ended up selecting.

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Chicka bow wow. I love ’em. While I’m sure a fancier kind would cut it down to just a one-trip thing, I now only need to take two glorious trips to the basement (our horrible, ugly basement; we’ve got problems down there, y’all, and I’m not even Southern) to do Hadman’s diapers. The washer has an extra rinse cycle that lets me work on other stuff sit on my butt a little longer. They also cut everything in half, time-wise, and get the job done wonderfully. #hoorayforwrinklecare I also had lived without an obnoxious buzzer reminding me that there’s work to be done and pants to be folded. In all seriousness, I appreciate the reminder.

They’re GE. #JackDonaghyFTW! They’re relatively energy efficient (we got a gas dryer, which my stepdad — master of all things handy — hooked up for us; and the washer is Energy Star rated) and, no, they’re not front-loading. I have enough fears when we one day move that my INTO EVERYTHING son will find a way to shove a younger sibling (or dare I say a cat?!) into the washer. Plus, I’ve heard and read a lot about the smells and stuff, and nobody got time for that. Maybe one day I’ll grow up and find an awesome deal on a fancy schmancy front-loader that smells like french lavender all day, everyday, but for the time being this suits our needs.

Oh, and we also purchased from a local store (Robinson Brothers in Mohawk; how shocked was I that they had a website, albeit a tad outdated); the price was comparable to Lowe’s, plus there was free set-up and removal, plus they service your appliances for years to come. It was the only stipulation my mom had throwing money into the pot, and I’m totally cool with it. Buy local! (And is it weird that it’s still eerie to drive and park and spend time so closely to where the shootings happened? Okay, I said it. That is all.)

So, what do you think? Are you pro-front loader? Or do you go against the flow of traffic and reside in the top-loader camp?

Controlling Baby Clutter Craziness

We’re trying our darnedest not to raise a spoiled brat. I mean, c’mon, I don’t need another me running around, right? 😉 (Side note: I was a brat; not spoiled…regardless of what my siblings might say. Oh, and it has been amended. Mostly.)

That being said, we were humbled and grateful by all that we received for the Hadman’s first birthday. I let the pile of happiness sit in a corner of the living room until it drove us crazy (okay, Dave was driven crazy on day one) enough to finally dig in.

We let Hadley pick a few of the toys out to play with at first but have come to realize that he’d get overstimulated by the mass of new toys plus his accumulation of previous toys. So, I decided to go through them ALL in order to create our own little “store” to pull from and switch the loved-it-but-it’s-boring-now toys out with…only to pull them out again in 6 months.

After pulling my Beatles Rock Band equipment (yes, the drum set, guitar, bass and mic) out of our huge storage ottoman to store in the basement (I will not be getting rid of it!! It’s just not something we have the time or energy to play with now – besides, I’d feel guilty skipping chores while the baby naps to rock out to “Lady Madonna”), I was left with this…

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Emptiness!!! Massive emptiness!!! And after a recent Target trip, we came home with this baby. (Not Wee Wee, though he is, by all accounts, a baby. I know he was thinking, “Oh, you’re taking a picture, huh? Don’t you need a model? Let me get in there, you need a model. Don’t look me in the eye.” That’s hysterical if you know his “voice.”)

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We have one in the baby’s room that holds his rarely used toys and stuffed animals, which I also dragged downstairs to empty. After finding 95% of his toys, I dumped them all out and got a look at the situation (as did Winston and Beardslee; find them!)…gulp…

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And the little monkey perused the damage, as well… Look at that smirk. We’re in trouble with this one, I tell ya.

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At least he’s a willing helper…

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And a surprisingly short time later, we were left with this…

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And this… (We love that push toy but it doesn’t fit anywhere; once he’s walking more and not using it, into storage it goes…or back to Aunt Mary’s house, its rightful owner. ;-))

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There’s the other basket upstairs, and I switched out the previous faux leather storage container to be used for his mass of board books (love them! Nearly indestructible!!) and the smaller one that had been holding those books to be used for the smaller toys in the ottoman. Confusing, but all it means is organization! Yay!!

Along with moving an extra ottoman, the living room feels so large…and makes me think I need a way bigger rug, ha! But, seriously, after all this organizing, Dave and I have realized that we need to put a limit on the toy situation for Christmas. Like, one per set of family, IF they want to get a toy. (Same can be said for outfits but those are at least more of a “need” than a “want.”) We’re even asking Santa for a certain small number of toys, like one educational, one retro, etc. Besides, our real weakness is books…which means we’ll need to find a new book storage strategy, too. I swear it’s never ending.

We’re just so damn lucky.

Mister Roboto

We recently got a so-sweet birthday card for Hadley from our kind-hearted elderly neighbor, along with a $5 bill and a shakily scrolled note that said “piggy bank.” I teared up, it was so touching!

So, since we’ve received a couple of banks which I consider to be more collectible than everyday use (maybe as he gets older, we can pull one out to use…but if he’s “all boy” as he currently is, that may be when he goes to college!), I tucked into the back of my memory that we should keep an eye out for a cheap-ish bank. We’re all about teaching about money and savings early on (even though I’ve still had a tough time, myself, getting into the budgeting habit, sigh.)

Enter Target, stage left.

About a week later, we were perusing the shelves for some small housely changes and this guy jumped out at us. (Not literally. That would’ve been creepy.)

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So, so cute!! And so $12.99! (That was just in the store; I found it on clearance for $4.54 online. Dude.) I thought that was a tad better than an heirloom, so if (when?) it takes a spill one day, I won’t cry. Er. As much. I’ll still get upset ‘cuz, c’mon, it’s adorbs.

And, just for fun, here are a couple of other Target lovelies…

A lamp that I bought awhile back (either at TJ Maxx or Target, can’t remember which) that “lives” on Dave’s side of the bed has served its purpose well, but I changed the lampshade from a dark gray/black-ish one (a tad too much detail goin’ on) to this angled shade…

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…which didn’t serve us well. Every time a cat jumped up to alert us that “BREAKFAST TIME IS IMPENDING!!! 45 MINUTES AND COUNTING!!!” it would end up cockeyed and even ended up with a slightly warped area from a too-hot bulb. So, I grabbed this one for under $20…

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Even Dave says it’s much better and dulls the brightness some. Coming from the guy who doesn’t notice such things, I’d say that’s an accomplishment. Oh, and still figuring out the art and possible headboard, but at least he’s a part of the conversation (as are you!).

Oh, and I’m also considering FINALLY replacing my worn hand-me-down clawed-to-hell slipcovered arm chair with an accent chair. Here were two possible finalists (which I’m waiting to find on sale online soon):

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And Dave patiently waiting while I carted the baby around the furniture aisle to see if they were keeping any other chairs from me. What a patient husband I have. Our dorky daddy.

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There’s one more Target find that we grabbed to help us tidy up the toddler toys (gasp, did I just say “toddler”?? He’s technically not a toddler until he starts walking for realsies, right? Right??), but we’ll save that for next time. I’m sure you’ll be waiting with baited breath. 😉


YI’ve been looking around for some ways to freshen up the ol’ walls around here. Since the bathroom is starting to look more “done” than “in the midst of chaos” I threw some paint onto a canvas (something I’d pinned from here awhile back) that coordinates with the shower curtain.

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Here’s the art; kind of an ikat/modern type thing…

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By the way, since our easel was in the basement (and I did this project during nap time), I used a couple of glasses to dry the piece. Use what ya got!

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Now I’ve hit a wall. Namely, our bedroom wall(s). The space over our bed is sparse, and the room is small, so I don’t want a headboard. I’m scoping out some headboard alternatives…

Maybe a DIY headboard with a low profile, or just some fun mirrors?
Or some more art (perhaps three canvasses) in gray, white and navy (and maybe a touch of chartreuse). It could be similar to the ikat I’ve got going on in the bathroom (ie the above style) or something simpler and more graphic, like stripes…maybe.

                     Or perhaps some subtler, more earthy/botanical/natural art?

Opinions? You know me; I suck at making up my mind, and the hubs doesn’t seem to have much of an opinion on this stuff most of the time.

And then there’s the wall opposite out bed. I’ve had these clearance pieces from TJ Maxx (less than a buck a piece!) for a couple of years, but they’re not working for me anymore. (Dave thinks they’re fine.) The tv and honking dresser are no help, but they’re kind of unavoidable.
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Still doing some searching to figure out what to do there. One huge art piece? (A huge art piece over the bed, then two smaller over here?) Or something more sculptural?

Plus, DANG do I have to start taking better pictures. Stupid iPhone.

Anyhoo, yeah. Any ideas or opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot, guys!!

Purging, Just a Little Bit

I don’t remember exactly which 90s song that is, but I was totally singing it while typing that title, no lie. (I think “Wiggle It”? Does that make sense?) We use that song, er…variations of it, with the munchkin quite a lot.

So, y’know that phase where you’ve got so many projects or cleaning duties to undertake that you’re just clueless where to start? (raises hand) That’d be me. But, lucky me, I saw this post and thought,”Oh, right! I wanted to purge my utensils.” The thought had occurred to me months ago. Whoops. So, here we go. This is what we were dealing with (in slightly dark/fuzzy iPhone pics; hit or miss):

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Yeah. Two drawers and one counter-top holder; and this doesn’t count the drawer we use for everyday silverware and knives…and a separate knife holder. Wow, i’ve got a lot of kitchen crap. Anyhoo, I wanted to keep the utensil holder and I’m fine with having two utensil drawers (you can’t tell, but I was aiming for one side to be the “less dangerous-slash-less used” side and the other to be the “sharp and frequently used” side.

The baby “helped” me with this project (he wasn’t near any of the sharp stuff, pinkie-swear). I brought the utensil holder and each drawer into the living room to dump-and-purge (kinda like the sound of that) one at a time and gave him a plastic measuring cup or wooden spoon to keep him occupied. Let’s just say a miniature set of wooden spoons is now his, as is one of the extra sets of measuring stuff. #freetoysFTW

So, here’s our “afters”:

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Okay, you totally can’t tell, but there’s tons more room in the blue holder. Like, I won’t cut my hand open when I try to jam tongs that clearly don’t fit into the thing…again. So, there ya go.

I got rid of tons of second…and, yes, third items. A second wine bottle sucker thing. Two additional sets of measuring cups (one donated to the baby’s cause ;-)). Spoon after spoon after spoon. Why I kept two turkey basters, I’m not sure, but they’re both in such good condition, I just couldn’t help myself.

Boy, am I hoping we can keep it this way. You know the saying “Everything in its place, a place for everything”? I’ve read (a lot) that this is the trick to keeping one’s house tidy and neat. So, when it comes to these kitchen implements, if I take the ice cream scoop from the second drawer, third item from the left, that’s where it goes back. Sounds simple, right? Why is it so dang hard??

With the flooding (and sheer loss of so many memories and important items that people have been dealing with) lately, it hits home the fact that we have plenty more to purge. Just before we had another bout of rain that ended up flooding folks (again!), we grabbed a few boxes of more valuable stuff (we really don’t have much of value; it’s stuff that we’ve collected over time) and, more importantly, emotionally-attached stuff (yearbooks, wedding stuff, my grandmother’s hand-me-downs) and dragged it up to higher ground. Looking around, we realized, “Wait. Why do we HAVE all this crap?” We don’t have a lot down there, but it makes us realize that we’ve just accumulated stuff that we simply don’t need. We also have a pile of stuff for an impending garage sale, but I’m wondering if it’d be worth just donating at this point. Gotta weigh the “will we make $100+?” with “will it give us time for a trip to the beach or the zoo?” options, if ya know what I’m sayin’.

So, I know some of my friends are purging because their stuff has been covered with water, mud, sediment, and, yes, sewage. What have you guys found that you were like, “Where did this even COME from?” Anything weird/interesting to share? I heard of a family who found the dad’s wedding ring, lost for 5 years, in the midst of removing crappy basement mud. There’s always a silver lining! And, yes, we have way more than our basement to purge. 😉 One day at a time.

Had time is our #1 priority lately, though. He’s so dang irreplaceable, and with his first birthday *next week* (gah!!!), we have so much to be thankful for!